The Benefits of Coaching and Return on Investment
Varied research completed by Harvard Business Review has found that coaching increases productivity by 44%. Harriet Taylor, a senior integration architect at Capgemini believes there are three reasons why leaders should access coaching, they are:
Learning to be more effective in your role – a good coach will help you to identify areas for improvement.
Learning to manage time and energy more effectively – a good coach will work with you to prioritise time and focus on that which is most critical.
Learning how to deal with stress and challenges – a good coach will enable you to offload about a situation and develop a plan to take action.
Workplace stress is under the spotlight for leaders globally following the effects of COVID-19. The demands and impact of the pandemic have been incredibly challenging for people for many various reasons. In the workplace Leaders have arguably taken the brunt of these demands.
The University of Canterbury in 2022 offered an online course “Supporting Employee Wellbeing” which covered, among other topics, the impact of stress in the workplace. Helpfully the paper looks at ways employers can mitigate the effects of stress – high intensity job demands can be offset by the provision of varied job resources. One such job resource is Coaching.
Call Tracey on 022 672 7707, for a confidential discussion of your needs and determine if I have the experience and skill to be of value for you or your employee.